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Post 53 - [1] To Be Able To: Answer Questions


posted in to be able to , answer , questions , self , help , guide , how , how to , what , power , empowerment , way , where , who , why , when , question , thinking , method , improvement , life choices

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Change your life, change your Thinking

It's well worth reading, right to the end, it could save or change your life  - This is my own content / writing which I first wrote in my diary/pad that I have reserved for writing of how I can improve myself or my life or to figure out the world, on to paper.
I took a photo but my handwriting was just too bad, maybe a scanner would have been better, but I decided to type it up, and I think I may do this with the rest of my work too.
I hope that I can upload it to different websites as well because I hope that the content can be seen and to uplift your living! - Please, I hope you enjoy:

Learning objective: 
- Don't pick or take, but give and receive, behold way-showing and brightness to your every second, your Very Existance! 
- To leading your life rather than following the rest, the current, and others.

We'll break it down, how to learn and think (for Yourself! YOU/ME)
Your body, your 'life' is YOU look /before/ it, well! (I meant, your very best!)

Please get your thinking cap on, and try to read this from as many perspectives/angles as possible, are you ready? Then Let's Go!

but- if- despite-  these are conditional words (looked at from the right way, can be used for postivity in a negative world, let me tell you all about it, before you stop allowing others to tell you things that no longer inspire you because you tell your own story which is just soo amazing, awesome, perfect!)

(explained further, to make sense, later)
(ways of questioning: using but, WWWWW questions, something else?)

An example of any question that is almost out-of-the-blue / for shock / noticable due to it's significance:
Person 1> "When do you think your [friend's/parent's name] cut him/herself?"
Person 2> "I do not think this person has!"
 ^-- This is a conclusion
Based on Why? No, it was based on What?) This happened, so I observed, so I think/know (psychology, right?^^)
Person 1> "But this person, do you Know, for sure, was s/he happy?!"
Person 2> "No" (because)
Person 1> "Is there ever the motive then, that s/he may ever self harm? Don't you think?"
Person 2> "I don't know.. I think..."
You /CAN/ know! If you know /how/. If society /knew/ to fix! {top of the page I listed some questions  WMHWWWW?}
People may say that it is care "you should have cared more", as in love, "needing love", and blame, fault, and results in guilt, if you did not happen to know. 
So it is about KNOWING? But that feeling/way did not work --> method to know
We live in Blame/Guilt, Cause/Fault, bad times! /They/ need to go!

HOW do you /know/?
--- To think --- To understand
This way of *feeling* and *questioning*
"Know the way How? and it is easy"
"Ask (the right) questions, get (the right) answers"
Your thoughts process, did you just feel a block? (of ice in your brain or head)
THIS is just waaaayy too hard to think, for most people! It's understandable, as in, we understand it, and then we think!
Your thinking is not meant to be trapped/blocked because, it could be / can be / is free and flowing!

To find (more direct/to the point: /to/ know) the answers, some people call this
Intelligence -- intel - insider (inside of us, gentle and with ease)
Genius -- Genie = us! (own the genes, you can change them with your thoughts)
Clever -- Clear  - CL-airvoyance Ver is 'see' in Spanish
Okay, so you see/saw from your perception. 'You use your 'mind' in order to think.' And this is how you get all of your answers, even to life itself! (or you think you do not, yet, look around, this /is/ the meaning of life! And it is meant to be successfull and beautyfull, full of progress, it can be this way:)

So am I meant to get 'a third eye' in order to see, or think better?
Upgrade? This, please, or a downgrade of this piece-of-writing to my conception of life!!!
If this is to do with my senses (or feelings!) I am not superman/woman, right now...yet.  I just can't do anything else *brainfreeze*
You can think with all of your body, it's called your chakra system (the 'third eye' chakra: to roll out perception and meaning, not just having seeing and explaining)
But right now we are "just using the brain" all the usual (if you are, that is!) to see and explain. It is sufficient for this 'worksheet'.

Question to Me - Can you tell me the best way, pathway, in order, to be able?
(In times of / For correction of guilt and blame based living.)
Love your body, and love yourself.
Your whole body is precious, of live cells, miraculously! You are/be beautiful?
You have to know, that your desires and wishes are only yours, when others throw ideas at you 'to be an astronaut' or 'to get this fancy job', even!
So: Judge yourself kindly and positively, get things done, if you can't up-it/raise-it, or work-it/focus, keep improvement tasks in mind, let go of old thinking, and move where you can. Solve other dilemmas first, and upgrade or scrap and rebuild 'smartly'. Plan for success, fail to plan, plan to fail (or win to plan, plan to win? :)
STAY SUPER POSITIVE - HAVE/BE HIGHEST GOOD INTENTIONS (especially, for the rest of this article, it'll really uplift you, trust me,)
I CAN - Easily survive (have and get everything amazingly), interract with strong and willed friends capable of inspiring me to the next stage, and move by running, and running till I FLY. Life is your runway and you are pilot of an awesome ship or plane!
Question everything - with all that you can
& keep transcending, upplaying, transforming, performing to your most optimal and then push the barrier forwards/reaching for higher pegs.

An advert might say:
Here's a problem and a solution is needed!
What do you think?

Try this! Here is the solution, buy it now!

You just saw it
And you did not question it?

Feel the issues, wrongness, morality, break out, take your own route on a higher/top level, so that you don't follow along the way 'taken by the wind' or 'swept by the river' STAND. STRONG.
For example, how it is in a plastic container? Or toxic to the environment? (The chemicals are unnatural and if we use them in our space, we breathe and interact with them at least in our auras) be safe and calm, and be dangerous too, as in, capableful.
Solving life hint:
Do not chase money as No. 1 desire (everyone does this? don't be looser-y anymore)
Afterall, you don't want money numbers or notes, but availability
Over Knowledge Choose Conciousness [Remember this line!]
{rather than knowledge, it was conciousness, that moved me}


As for the below:
​{ If you know the chakra system, the seven questions go up the colours, feel it or point to each question as you ask them, up your body, red to violet. } 

Here is a way in which you can do it, to know, to understand, by considering the : WMHWWWW

What - identify (plainly have an idea of some-thing, it is as or like this)

Me - I want,/am a participant, think of what you want to say, do you use or move from your body? Both the objects around me, and me. I involve myself - my involvement (nouns), actions (verbs), description (adjectives) My existance / myself (considering yourself!!), is it possible for me, based on my past (how it went) present (current condition) and future (planning/will I have.. (materialistic things that make manifestation increase in abundance, what will I be shareing that will be a part of me, what power(s) will I have, or ability..)

How - Which Way? Every. Can do. The correct, or the best options. How can I....? (then use wmhwwww all over again and plan it out)

Where - In your Heart! I mean, by place, where to place, where placed, position, direction (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, can be put visually as lines on graphs) In which room or situation, or city or country would this be possible?

Who - to/from, for/regarding, in relation with, i/you/she/he/it/they/we/organisation,

Why - because! explain, reasons, reasoning, meaning, you can see or feel it, it might be what you wish to sense or do.

When - Time based. 'this will occur' When has the condition of if: because 'If is a huge question' it is not strange that it is the last or highest ask/to question, because it has importance! If this happens, this causes, something-else.

Tenses in order of your learning (of English language)/ ease to the most difficult here: Present (and the simple tense), Past (perfect), Future (continuous), past-future (perfect continuous)

You may not understand the last little bit, I am trying to tell you that this is a linear showing of the tenses that are learnt. It may be this way, during language learning, if you have learnt a foreign language, you may see these as the order of difficulty, or the order of progression in which you learn(t) the tenses. I also see this with your bodies, where the continuous tense moves you into the next body which is above your head or 5th dimensional / in the perception of time which is controlled through or conceivable the higher dimensional (way of thinking) 

Your CONCIOUSNESS level, what you 'think' with, can hold your, not just thinking ability, not just doing ability, but power and success ability! (densities of consiousness and moving up the chakras)
What senses (feeling) do I (not use but) choose for this capability / (my) performance?
What do..   choose, place, gift, give, in hand, thought, way/can,
Me - I do..   I am
How do...   path, figureing through, flow, smooth road,
Where do..   reach to
Who do..   I talk to for advice, writes not just reads, takes the initiative,
Why do..  but... I just ask/question/reply to MYSELF
When do..  .then go up and out

I love myself that I just move from pure love! (I can go to a mirror and confidently exclaim "I love you~ I love you I love you I KNOW I love you! *continue with acchievements and futures, whilst being in this mode*

The more you practice, the more you'll get fuller, more coloured pictures. (questioning becomes faster and they become yesterday's answers) Your eyes will see life! (beyond living/life/death/being, in this view) Your purpose is within you.

Thank you for reading! Let me know about it, in the comments! Feel free to ask questions, hehe
- BlueCharlye 

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